Decoding Zodiac Stones

Zodiac Stones are pretty mysterious. People wear those with great belief and I don't want to discomfort them. Astrologers say they give energy ! yes energy !! I thought how on Earth could a still stone provide energy!
Well, a little Science knowledge could excavate the truths of astrology. I just read the chapter on Radiations in Physics and came to know that good absorbers are good radiatiors. It implies that black, a good absorber of heat can radiate heat too well .. ( that also explains great facts) ..So let's assume Zodiac stones can absorb sunrays well.. so they must emit (radiate) them well. Now total of the heat energy absorbed is not radiated .. some part of it is passed ( conducted by "Heat Conduction" process) to the body of the person wearing on the fingers. So there comes the Energy !!
Next time you recommend someone a zodiac ring .. first explain the science behind it !