16.02.16: A Good Student writes to the Indian HRD Minister

Dear Minister, 

I don't involve in politics. I just study. I know my education is subsidized by the taxpayers of this country. I should be grateful to my masters.
To those who pay more tax, I should be more grateful.
To those who pay less, I can afford to be less grateful. To the beggars, scavengers and street vendors, who pay nothing as tax, I don't mean to be grateful at all. So I am most grateful to the Indian Fortune 500 fellows and least thankful to the lower division clerk and quite indifferent to others. 
Hope I am fine on that count. 
I am like this tenant to my feudal lord, the taxpayer. As the taxpayer gets his money from Mars, I can't ask him to be accountable to me. Nor can I ask why some have money, some don't. They were born with talent, luck and blessings. 
They will die so. As a tenant, I have no say. Fair enough. 
But now that I have already taken the money, let me get some education and become a taxpayer, so that I can order things around with the next generation students — hope you will listen to this request and won't shut them all down before I get there.
I am writing to you to point out the impossibility of being a good, perfect student in our India, given the nature of disciplines offered. 
As for disciplines, I went to political science and they were talking about how they were " critically looking" at the Indian state and criticizing foreign policies of the friends of India such as America. Which Indian can talk badly of our motherland's friends? I went to English and they were discussing how nation is an imagined community and not a reality from time immemorial! I went to study economics and they talked about anti-national things like inequality ( Inequality in India? I ran away!).
In sociology, they talked about casteism and sexism in quite anti- national ways instead of explaining the greatest past of India.
In computers, they introduced us to a machine invented by a European convicted homosexual. How could I even begin studying it? ( Also that refugee punk, that Jobs fellow — also dropped out of college apparently — why don't we have nice inventions by front- bench good students and not these criminals?) In physics, we had to study about Russian astronauts — the Sharia Bolsheviks, you know! And in theoretical physics, forget the anti- national German Jew who surrendered his passport to the consulate in America during Hitler's golden period, we also had that Paki's works. Can't they get some people who can be models to us in patriotism from India? In commerce, we had to study trade with the nation's enemies and I flatly refused.
In architecture, the buildings built by the enemies of the country are taught.
How can I even attend those classes? Now tell me, why are all these disciplines so anti- national? Kindly start disciplines that doesn't make us anti- nationals by the very fact that we study them. Or else, I will have to leave this education and join one of those ( sorry there is only one) nationalist party. Remember, I want to be that kind of student who can become a taxpayer soon! Thank you for your time.

A good student

 PS: Because I am scared of the repercussions of this letter, I am keeping it anonymous and requesting one of my teachers to publish it with his name.

#beingnational #jnu