Why the cyber world is "really" good
You know , if you are an expert at the Web, you can rule the world today. By rule, I mean kingly rule only. The advent of the WWW has made the space for everyone to develop themselves within the walls of the room. 21st century is in such a position that "everything" is available on the Web. Believe me, the perfect person you are looking for to give you a solution can be found from corners of the world just with the expert cyber hands of a human. Lets directly go to points.
- StackExchange/ Yahoo! Answers/ Quora
- WikiHow/ Instructables/ HowStuffWorks
This is another fab site for people who tend to grab things, rather knowledge. If you are really hungry for the internal mechanisms of 'things' (from washing machine to GPS), as was Steve Jobs, you will find that most of your days are spent on these sites. Your computer even gets flooded with creative files.
- TED-Ed/ Google Science Fair
When you think that the people around you are boring and you are too much saturated with the motion of the Earth, you will remember TED-Ed. It gives common people, rather talented people to give out-of-box ideas and suggestions for the betterment of the world in terms of everything.
Most of the free knowledge on TED is contributed through videos.
- freecharge/ paytm
If you are a wealth-addict, I mean you are hungry for free money( yes I mean!), the Internet has time to help you while helping you in killing your time. These sites allow you recharges from phones to data cards, online payments to mall checkouts, thereby making ground for a universal platform. Even, as these sites are 'growing', they allow you cashbacks(even upto 100%), and the best part of the business is that you earn just by referring your friends. This cashback flooded market is sure to kill your time, but make you wealthy in no time.
- Translate/ Maps/ Wikipedia
Yes! you can even be a good human being in the cyber world. You can help people by translating and interlinking languages, make the world even more accessible by crowding Maps with information. You can even make transit process easier by directly working in Maps development. You can unload your heavy bags of knowledge into Wikipedia pages by improving articles and creating new pages.
Maybe I have mentioned only a few. These at least convinces me that the Web 2.0 is a good place to live and be happy though! Next time you connect, better try my suggestions.