The Ad Debate

Ads aren't controversial, but their presence is. 
We all have always been too much abominate of advertisements on webpages. Ads pop-up everywhere, be it a YouTube video or your favourite torrent website. Most of the time, their content is overlooked, only their presence is hated. Google is the pioneer in helping people in advertising at different websites (yes Google Adsense). Many people hate ads just because they consume too much extra data and even disturb the working experience. Some even argue that the content of most ads are irrelevant and abusing. However advertisements are omnipresent and with time, people get used to ads with time and slowly they are ignored without much pain.

Luckily with easy, cheap technology you can keep ads at bay in your online session. Adblock, Adblock Plus are some of the leaders in this ad-blocking business. They 'really' help you giving a clean ad-free browsing.
But what about the maintenance charge of the websites you visit? Who will pay them for keeping content available to you always and that also at no charge? Maintaining a website isn't cheap enough and a pay-and-use website is unlikely to thrive in the 21st century. So who's going to feed the site administrators? There comes the importance of advertising. In gist, the internet can't thrive without those annoying ads. For a website (such as a personal blog), where content is kept free, the only way to maintain it is by being funded by ads. Ads help site owners earn money, which they in turn put for the development of the site. Everytime you watch a YouTube ad, the video owner gets paid for that. And when you use that nasty Adblocker, he is deprived of his basic cyber right. So, next time you visit websites, make sure you enjoy ads and help people earn.