Quora v Facebook

  • Quora will help you read people’s cerebrum. Facebook will help you read people’s hippocampus.
  • Quora will help you realise you still need to learn more to gain more limelight. Facebook will make you realise that get more likes to get more limelight.
  • You can advertise your product on Facebook and get monetary returns. You can put up your ideas on Quora and get respectful returns.
  • Quora will help you judge people on intelligence scale. Facebook will help you judge people on stupidity scale.
  • Quora will make sure the answer with best quality and content gets the most respect. Facebook will make sure the post with most likes will get the most prominence.
  • Quora will make sure you get to know your world better. Facebook will make sure you get to know your friend’s emotions better.
  • The beauty queen and the most selfish guy will be most popular on Facebook. The most knowledgeable and responsible people will get the most prominence on Quora.
  • Facebook won’t thrive as a healthy social network in the long term as it has been too polluted by cheap-minded people. Quora is just about to boom as its million-dollar content is enriching day-by-day.